MSC Certified Sustainable North Atlantic Swordfish |
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Quite simply, we have “raised the bar” for the entire industry…on March 28, 2013 we received Marine Stewardship Council certification for the US North Atlantic Swordfish Pelagic Longline and Handgear Buoy Line fishery. We have the distinction of being the first company in the United States to attain MSC certification for a pelagic fishery.
Entering full assessment on March 12, 2009, our assessment team worked with the National Marine Fisheries Service, world-renowned fishery scientists and conservation groups to formulate conditions that must be addressed in order to certify this wild-capture fishery as well-managed and sustainable. For the next five years, we will be working on those conditions to improve and preserve the fishing industry on the entire US East Coast.
The MSC ecolabel recognizes and rewards sustainable fishing. It gives consumers confidence that they are choosing fully traceable seafood from a fishery that has been through a rigorous scientific assessment and determined to meet the MSC standard for sustainability and environmental responsibility.
As a company, we are proud to be teaming with the MSC “to bring the world closer to ensuring oceans teeming with life and seafood supplies safeguarded for this and future generations”. (MSC: Fisheries in the Americas Region, 2010)